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Garden Insights

Welcome to the Garden Insights page!

Are you a gardener, or interested in becoming one? Then you're at the right place!

Here, garden tips and fun facts will be featured.

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 Why choose to Garden? 


To plant is to

believe in tomorrow.

- Audrey Hepburn

Choosing to garden is the first step in building a better and greener world! This is not only a great hobby to better oneself, but it is great for our environment too! 

But what exactly is a garden?

It does not necessarily have to be a large and extravagant backyard filled with many types of plants and flowers. A garden can simply be a few plants in a pot. As longs as the plants and the owner are happy and satisfied a garden is complete!

Gardening Tips

(so your Plants don't Die)

Gardening .jpg

To plant is to

believe in tomorrow.

- Audrey Hepburn

If you're new to gardening, we have a few tips for this beautiful journey! 

1. Follow the Sun.

It is important to know where the sunlight hits and for how long, before choosing a spot for your plants. 

2. Water your plants.

Not all plants are watered in the same quantities, so it is very important to water them right!

3. Use good soil.

When you start a garden make sure to use soil with rich nutrients.

4. Enjoy!

This is one of the most crucial steps of this process, so don't forget to enjoy!




Never plant without a bucket of compost at your side.

- Elsa Bakalar

Composting is very beneficial for plants and for us too! Compost is basically an organic material that aids plants in their growing process. This can be anything from food scraps (like peels, coffee grounds...) to yard scraps (leaves, left-overs from pruning plants...). With helping plants, composting helps humans too, as reusing such materials reduces methane emissions that could be released from adding on to landfills. So, it decreases the carbon footprint! In addition to all that, composting is a very fun and important process. 

Learn more at:

Never plant without a bucket of compost at your side.

- Elsa Bakalar

Before planting anything in your garden, you should test your soil. A soil test lets you know if you need more nutrients for a plant to grow. The first thing you need to do is to buy a soil test. The first thing you are going to do is to grab a bucket and a garden trowel (clean your supplies). Then in the planting area, dig holes 6 to 8 inches deep. Take a 1/2 inch slice of soil from the hole and place it in the bucket. Repeat this with all the holes. Then mix all the soil that you collected in a bucket and spread the soil on a newspaper to dry it out. Last thing you do is to take a pint of your sample and test the pH.

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